Crooked Dice introduced a few new offerings to their main webstore and MyMiniFactory store. We'll lead with their new digital offerings with STL files for you to print at home covering a group of Government Agents who might be out to uncover something foul.
Unboxing: Pulp Adventure Zombies | Wargames Atlantic
21 hours ago 1Gerry unboxes and reviews the recently released 28mm Pulp Adventure Zombies from Wargames Atlantic which could be used for all sorts of excellent Pulp skirmishes but would also be equally fitting for Sci-Fi and Fantasy wargaming! Are these the best wargaming zombies for tabletop gaming?
TTCombat introduced a new gang to their Carnevale collection over the weekend. The Doctors are tinkering with weird science once again, giving a new twist to their machinations on the tabletop.
Registration for the Salute 2025 Painting Competition is now open. You can get stuck in and register your entry for this awesome painting competition held on Saturday 12th April 2025 at the London ExCel.
Privateer Press has announced its plans for Monsterpocalypse in a new blog post. In the new post, they explain their plans for Kickstarter backers, the focus of the project right now and where they'd like to take the game in the future.
Warcradle Studios has released some new digital documents for Armoured Clash players. The first of these is the Beta ORBAT for the Enlightened, who will join their 10mm miniature wargame very soon at the end of February.
Atomic Mass Games are taking pre-orders for a couple of new Affiliation Packs that bring the band back together for the Guardians Of The Galaxy alongside some of their foes! We start with the Guardians Of The Galaxy pack for Marvel: Crisis Protocol.
John shows off how to paint some of the 10mm Armoured Clash Infantry from the new Union faction by Warcradle Studios. In this painting tutorial, he is painting up some of the standard Union Federal Troopers that will form the backbone of your Armoured Clash army.
The Commonwealth is getting a new set that will help them reinforce their aerial contingent in games of Dystopian Wars from Warcradle Studios. The Polish-Lithuanian Aerial Squadrons will be soaring into view in February.
Get a look at some brilliant miniature painting from the community including one of our youngest hobbyists. We also have a project all about getting people into the hobby!
The Red Brigade Kickstarter from Westfalia Miniatures is now live so you can dive in and get some awesome new miniatures inspired by Mike Franchina's amazing artwork for the indie hit Trench Crusade. If you went in on the original Trench Crusade Kickstarter and wanted more, The Red Brigade might tickle your fancy.
Indie Of The Week ... 82 UPDATES!
2 weeks ago 29Check out our Indie Of The Week picks from each OnTableTop Weekender! Whether it's a great Sci-Fi wargaming range, a new Fantasy epic or something for the discerning Historical wargamer, you'll be able to find our weekly segments within!
Warcradle Studios has revealed what will be popping up as part of the February releases for their 10mm wargame, Armoured Clash. The Enlightened are making their presence known in the Dystopian Age with a new Faction Battlegroup Starter Set and an Introductory Set.
Easy Tips For Painting 10mm Armoured Clash Miniatures! Union Lakota Super Heavy Engine
3 weeks ago 2John shows you how to paint the awesome 10mm Lakota Super Heavy Engine from the newest Armoured Clash faction, the Union by Warcradle Studios. He dives into a tutorial and walkthrough on painting up that iconic Union blue and these techniques can then be taken and applied to other vehicles within the Union army.
Community Spotlight: 6mm American Civil War, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles & Tall Ships!
3 weeks ago 5Join us for another Community Spotlight where we're taking a look at some great 6mm American Civil War miniatures, a dive into the sewers with TMNT and some impressive ships that will be part of a much larger project.
Antediluvian Miniatures has quite a range of nice Medieval Demons for you to consider picking up for a variety of 28mm Fantasy (and Pulp) games. Their newest of the miniatures to join the collection is the Behemoth by sculptor Martin Buck.
Osprey Games recently announced the new games and expansions coming from the mind of Joseph McCullough in 2025. We start with something fun and different in the form of Hairfoot Jousting.
In this week's Community Spotlight, we have a look at what the community have been up to building gorgeous terrain, invading alien armies and also the corpo forces that keep you under their boot!
Atomic Mass Games are now taking pre-orders for their newest additions to the Marvel: Crisis Protocol range. The Inhumans and more are available for you to snap up ahead of a March release.
Justin and Gerry dive into a Let's Play of the awesome new Escape The Dark game from Themeborne that was a hit on Kickstarter. Can they dive into the world of The Last Of Us and make it out the other side alive?
Join us this year for an updated three four months of wargame terrain-building fun using our Project System! We hope TerrainFest 2024 will inspire and motivate you to elevate the quality of your gaming tables and that by the end of the three months, you won't be playing with shoebox houses and books stuffed under gaming mats!
Renegade Game Studios, alongside the folks from Avalon Hill and Hasbro, are releasing some new versions of the Axis & Allies board game for you to sink your teeth into. There are two new World War II era games that you can pre-order right now focusing on The Battle Of The Bulge and Stalingrad.
Dive into this week's Community Spotlight and the first for 2025! We have a look at some fantastic villains, some great Ancient Greek monsters and a bit of Moonstone to kick off the year.
Wyrd Games added some fun new options into the mix for those playing their board game, Vagrantsong. Two new sets of miniatures are available this month for those folks who want to level up their collection or just paint some nice figures.
Game designer Andy Hobday has been announced as the new Creative Director at Wargames Atlantic this week. He joins the team as they look to develop games in-house and externally so fun things are happening in the future!
Black Site Studios will be coming to Gamefound soon with a campaign focused on producing a new Core Box for Don't Look Back, their fantastic horror-based cooperative miniatures game.
Atomic Mass Games recently teased that the "Cosmic side" of Marvel: Crisis Protocol would be coming in 2025 for their 40mm scale skirmish game. Well, heading back to Ministravaganza 2024, we can start to see a few of those miniatures making it to the tabletop soon.
Wargames Atlantic are going to be starting 2025 in style with some new releases for their Historical range and also the world of This Quar's War. First up we have the Age Of Chivalry's Foot Serjeants for use with The Barons' War and beyond.
Building on their earlier previews for Armoured Clash towards the tail end of 2024, Warcradle Studios have given folks a sneak peek at the new 10mm miniatures for both the Enlightened and the Imperium, the next factions coming to their Dystopian Age wargame.
Warcradle Studios has some neat new releases coming to the naval wargaming of Dystopian Wars in January 2025. The Commonwealth and Union are getting themselves some new toys to play with and ways to expand fleets.
January 2025 will see the release of reinforcements for the Union in Armoured Clash. Three sets will be coming out to support the initial releases from Warcradle Studios for the third faction for their 10mm wargame, giving you additional troops, vehicles and more to choose from when building the army you prefer.
Crooked Dice are ending the year strong with some great new releases for those seeking to dive into a bit of Pulp Sci-Fi wargaming with a touch of Horror too. First up, we start with a whole host of 8-bit characters that will be dominating the digital realm.
Gerry gets a closer look in this unboxing at the expansion to Mutant: Year Zero - Zone Wars which introduces Robots & Psionics to your 32mm scale skirmish games. This expands the original set from Free League Publishing and allows you to play with three or four players.
Some super sleuths over on The Silver Bayonet Facebook Group spotted something intriguing on Amazon this month. A new The Silver Bayonet expansion has been spotted; released in September/October of 2025 from Osprey Games. Britain: Bones Of Albion is coming!
Warcradle Studios has given folks a little sneak peek at what's coming for Armoured Clash, their 10mm wargame set in the Dystopian Age. We got to see a really nice piece of artwork for the Enlightened this week!
Westfalia Miniatures previewed a few new miniatures that will be coming to their Trench Crusade Kickstarter in January 2025. The Red Brigade is growing in numbers and we've got some heavy infantry to call on coming soon!
Mantic Games announced that the Collector's Edition version of The Walking Dead: All Out War, will be available on shelves with various independent stockists very soon. You'll get another chance to get stuck into this rather spiffing skirmish game soon if you didn't pre-order via Mantic.
Crooked Dice previewed some of the miniatures from Harwood Hobbies that they will be releasing next year for use in 7TV and beyond. This is just a snapshot of what they've got coming based on the old range by Harwood.
Gerry dives deeper into the Union, the newest faction for Warcradle Studios' 10mm miniature wargame, Armoured Clash. In this video, he uncovers more about the faction as presented in both the Introductory Set and Faction Battlegroup Starter Set, diving deeper into the rules for the Union and more.
Gerry gets stuck into more awesomeness from the world of Bot War by Traders Galaxy with an unboxing and review of the Bot War 3 Boxed Set for the newest edition of this 10mm Sci-Fi robot-smashing miniatures game.
The third faction for Warcradle Studios' 10mm wargame Armoured Clash is here! Gerry dives into the new Introductory Set for the Union which comes with a range of miniatures to give you the feel of this faction in Armoured Clash plus a set of Quickstart Rules so you can start playing with your friends.
Monolith announced as part of their big reveals for December that they are going to be reviving the awesome board game, Reichbusters with a new crowdfunding campaign launching in 2025. Reichbusters Reloaded will see Monolith seeking to save the game and make it available to a new audience.