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Painting historical minis with janus1004

Painting historical minis with janus1004

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Gripping Beast slingers for Saga 2.0

Tutoring 4
Skill 17
Idea 4

Completed twelve slingers intended for Saga, plastic minis from Gripping Beast. Tried to use muted colours and spent some extra time on the faces, which was a lot of fun. All skin done with Scale 75 paints.

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Cult of Games Member

Great work! So being slingers, I’m assuming these are deployed as skirmisher troops in front of a main body?

Cult of Games Member

Big fan of muted colours on levy troops – I normally try and differentiate warriors from hearthguard with the addition of spot colours as elite troops would have had better access to expensive dies and cloth. Fantastic paint job, and loving the faces – really puts my god-awful work to shame!

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